H@i.... @nother blog h@s been cre@ted..... The l@st time I've upd@te my blog w@s 5 months @go @ FRiENDSTER. Well... my college block the FRiENDSTER so now I h@ve 2 cre@te new blog @ new web. Hmmm....
@ lot of h@ppen these p@st few months.... I c@n't believe th@t I c@n te@ched. Never thought th@t I bec@me @ lecturer too e@rly... & I love it.... Students gre@t, @lh@mdulill@h... we c@n get @long well...
There's @ lot of new things th@t I've le@rned when I'm te@ch... I h@ve 2 b c@reful @bout students m@rks, ex@ms, @ssignments, quizes, registr@tions, m@ke sure th@t they doing it rite... Le@rn how 2 t@ckle them 2 m@ke sure th@t they interested.... hmmm... too much work....
Rite now is semester bre@k... So students in holid@y & I'm bored.... C@n't believe th@t I'm gonn@ s@y this... I'm miss my students...... They've got @nother 3 weeks b4 new semester st@rted.
@nyw@y, th@ts it 4 now.... I h@ve to upd@te notes 4 my students....
until next time.....
H@i.... @nother blog h@s been cre@ted..... The l@st time I've upd@te my blog w@s 5 months @go @ FRiENDSTER. Well... my college block the FRiENDSTER so now I h@ve 2 cre@te new blog @ new web. Hmmm....
@ lot of h@ppen these p@st few months.... I c@n't believe th@t I c@n te@ched. Never thought th@t I bec@me @ lecturer too e@rly... & I love it.... Students gre@t, @lh@mdulill@h... we c@n get @long well...
There's @ lot of new things th@t I've le@rned when I'm te@ch... I h@ve 2 b c@reful @bout students m@rks, ex@ms, @ssignments, quizes, registr@tions, m@ke sure th@t they doing it rite... Le@rn how 2 t@ckle them 2 m@ke sure th@t they interested.... hmmm... too much work....
Rite now is semester bre@k... So students in holid@y & I'm bored.... C@n't believe th@t I'm gonn@ s@y this... I'm miss my students...... They've got @nother 3 weeks b4 new semester st@rted.
@nyw@y, th@ts it 4 now.... I h@ve to upd@te notes 4 my students....
until next time.....